Every one is selling most of the time.
Has anyone who is in sales ever been told,”you can’t have a normal conversation without it sounding like a sales pitch…?”
In a professional capacity, that is what I do, I wouldn't make any money if I did not sell, however when I got told this by a few personal friends, I was fairly astonished as at least at that time I was intentionally not trying to sell but just having a normal conversation about why I felt buying a Playstation was better than a Nintendo Wii.
But if you think about it, anytime you have a conversation with a friend or family member or anyone in general, you are indirectly selling.
For example, in figuring out where to go eat with a friend, you suggest a place and talk about the benefits of going there, whereas your friend has another suggestion. You push for your suggestion constantly highlighting why it is better to go where you suggest and not the other place, and you manage to convince your friend. You have just made a sale.
The above is just one instance but when you delve deeper into it, you realize more and more the instances where you have had to make a sale. When you talk about political issues with friends or about which team in football is your favorite. Why you like a particular brand of clothing. Why you like to take a certain route to work even though it is longer. Why you want to have a drink for no reason at all.
You are always selling without knowing it, makes me think whether the mindset should change, and if all conversations should be considered a sales pitch or all sales pitches should be considered a conversation.
In professional terms and in the spirit of getting things done the latter would make life a lot easier for both parties involved. You will be more receptive toward meeting new people and everyone will always somehow see some benefit in hearing another person out because it is never bad to have an engaging conversation.
Just to state the obvious though, one should be able to add value to the others business, prioritize and time should be respected. I still get calls asking me if I would like to get a website made or would like to promote my business online, with just typing a few letters in a search engine they would see that both my company websites, www.pegasusevents.in and tingtong.marketing are fairly prominent across most search engines and social media platforms and it would be more interesting for me to find out how they can help me improve upon what I already have.